Which name was given to auxiliary paramilitary formations of the Royal Italian Army composed of Yugoslav
Anti-Communist Volunteer Militia
anti-Partisan groups in the
Italian-occupied portions of
the Kingdom of Yugoslavia?
(Italian: Milizia Volontaria Anti Comunista, MVAC)
(3 points)
a.) Anti-Antifa Militia
b.) Anti-Partisan Militia
c.) Anti-Communist Volunteer Militia (Italian: Milizia Volontaria Anti Comunista, MVAC)
Anti-Communist Volunteer Militia
(Italian: Milizia Volontaria Anti Comunista, MVAC)
(2 points)
What name was given to MVAC by Partisans and members of the Liberation Front?
a.) White guard (Bela garda)
b.) Black Guard
White guard (Bela garda)
(1 points)