Dein Ziel: POHORJE (dt. Bachergebirge – Reifnig)

Die Partisanen greifen an.
Geselle dich zur Gruppe von 16 Kämpfern, die eine Attacke auf Reifnig ausgeführt hat.
12. August 1941
Dabei sind der Bürgermeister Witzman, Kommandant der Gendarmerie und ein Hilfspolizist umgekommen. Ein Gendarm wurde verletzt. Der Nachteil der Aktion war die Unfähigkeit der Partisanen, Waffen oder Proviant zu beschlagnahmen, jedoch hat sie trotzdem guten politischen Anklang gefunden.
Doživi zgodovino – obišči nas!
Feel the history – visit us!

(1920, Črneče – 1944, Hudinja na Pohorju)
vir: Koroški pokrajinski muzej
Benedikt Grabner – Dušan from Črneč near Dravograd (1920 – 1944) deserted the German army in May 1943, after coming on leave from Belgium as a forcibly mobilised SS tank driver, and joined the First Carinthian Battalion. He took part in all campaigns, often as a volunteer. Because of his courage, word of him soon began to spread among the population and also among the occupying forces, who repeatedly referred to him with awe in their reports. He was soon promoted to battalion commander, first in Carinthia, then in February 1944 he was sent to Pohorje, where, as commander of the 3rd Battalion of the Zidanšek Brigade, he was killed on
14 March of that year in heavy fighting in the brigade’s battalion at Hudinja above Vitanje.

Quelle: Koroški Pokrajinski Muzej

Quelle: Koroški Pokrajinski Muzej
A barrack for the wounded in the partisan hospital Trška gora in western Pohorje. After the arrival of the 14th Division in Styria, where he was a brigade doctor in the Bračič Brigade, the partisan doctor Ivan Kopač – Pauček, with the help of the partisans and their civilian supporters, built six secret partisan hospitals from April 1944 until the end of the war under Malo Kopa in the area of Legno near Slovenj Gradec. Around 300 wounded were treated there. The occupying forces were unable to find any of them, although they searched intensively for them. Most of them were named after places and areas that were far from here, so that they could also be concealed in this way. One of them, Trška Gora, has been preserved as a historical monument of national importance.