The Partisans attack first.
22nd July 1941
On this day in 1941, the Rašiška Company at Tacen carried out its first armed operation, long considered the first Slovenian Partisan action ever. This is why we celebrate that day as the DAY OF SLOVENIAN POPULAR UPRISING!
Members of the Šmarnogorska Company severely wounded Franc Žnidaršič, a former gendarme and interpreter for the occupying forces who was denouncing the local communists to the Germans. Žnidaršič later recovered from the wounds and died after the war.
However, on 16th July 1941, a Partisan unit from Zalog, part of the Molniška Company, killed a German soldier on the road from Podgrad to Veliko Trebeljevo, while the TIGR resistance movement unit fought the Italian Carabinieri, Italian soldiers and former Yugoslav gendarmes on the 13th May 1941 at Mala Gora near Ribnica.