The Axis attack first.
You climb the Menina mountain only to realize you’ve been encircled by 12.000 soldiers of the Galizien SS-division.
The general staff’s order is clear: “Don’t wait, escape from the Menina mountain at once!” Break free from the encirclement!
13th and 14th March 1945
After two unsuccessful attempts to break through, fighters of the 6th and the 11th brigade, alongside the VDV company they met on the besieged mountain, clash with the enemy at the peaks of Menina mountain. 90 enemy soldiers were killed, around 100 were wounded. Of approximately 500 Partisans 8 were killed, 29 were wounded and 20 went missing, but the big majority succeeded in sneaking past the enemy ambushes at night.
Franc Sever – Franta
Commander of VI. in XI.brigade at the time
During this battle enemies machine guns and mortars went silent when 500 partisans started singing songs “Hej Brigade” and ” We are the blacksmits” .
Songs of liberty echoed through Menina mountin filling the hearts of every partisan.
It was called the “Disability Choir” or “Singing Company”. 80 partisans took part in it.
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Source: Koroški pokrajinski muzej