Destinazione: ČRNA NA KOROŠKEM

Attacco dei Partigiani.
Le truppe tedesche intendono penetrare nel territorio libero dell’Alta Valle della Savinja. Come combattente del distaccamento della Carinzia orientale, impedisci loro l’irruzione e già a Pristava vicino a Črna na Koroškem attacca le prime unità tedesche che penetrate verso Koprivna.
19.–24.agosto 1944
Scoppiò una feroce battaglia, che durò dal 19 al 24 agosto 1944. Le unità del distaccamento della Carinzia orientale resistettero con successo a quelle nemiche molto più forti. Al nemico venne impedito di entrare nel territorio liberato e di attuare l’emigrazione delle famiglie slovene. L’invasore tedesco subì, oltretutto, pesanti perdite: circa 60 morti e 50 feriti. I Partigiani contarono 3 feriti, 5 risultarono dispersi.
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(1923, Zagorje ob Savi – 1955, Črna na Koroškem)
fonte:Koroški pokrajinski muzej
First fighter, commander, national hero Tone Okrogar – Nestl
(1923, Zagorje ob Savi – 1955, Črna na Koroškem).
Trained as a locksmith, he joined the partisans of the Styrian Battalion in 1941, was assigned to the Savinja Battalion on September 11, 1942 after the reorganization of partisan units in Styria, and was in a group of 11 partisans who came to Carinthia to spend the winter and from which the Carinthian Company, later the Carinthian Battalion, emerged. He proved himself in all battles as an ordinary partisan and as a commander and was wounded seven times. Finally, he was an operative officer in the headquarters of the Šercer Brigade and was sent to Dolenjska for an officer’s course. He reached the rank of major and was an active officer, most recently retired as a young man with a disability. He died of sepsis, which was certainly the result of past injuries and projectiles he still had in his body.