Destinazione: MISLINJA
Attacco dell’invasore.
In qualità di combattente della 14a divisione a Spodnji Dolič, sfonda l’accerchiamento nemico!
18. febbraio 1944
Cinque battaglioni della divisione hanno sfondato l’accerchiamento nemico creando uno spazio vuoto di un chilometro. La maggior parte della divisione tornò sulla cresta di Paški Kozjak per paura di non riuscire a continuare la svolta con i feriti durante il giorno. Quattro battaglioni (il 2. e il 3. battaglione di Šercer, il 3. battaglione di Tomšič e il 1. battaglione della brigata di Bračič) fecero irruzione sul Pohorje contando un totale di circa 200 combattenti.
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Partisans and OF activists, Carinthian Slovenes, deserters from the German army, where they were forcibly mobilised, from left: Primož Starc, Janez Pečnik – Krištof and Janez Wutte – Luc, operating in the area of the Svinška planina (Saualpen), i.e. in one of the most exposed areas of the partisan struggle, far in the territory of the Nazi Third Reich. Janez Wutte – Luc (1918 – 2002), a farmer’s son from Vesel near Št. Primož in Podjeune, joined the East Koroška Detachment in April 1944, and went to this territory with the first unit sent there, the 13-man Boj’s Company (commander Franc Mahnič – Boj), where he served until the end of the war. After the war, he was for many years President of the Union of Carinthian Partisans.
Tone Ulrih – Kristl
First fighter, resistance organiser, political activist in the Mislinja valley
(1916, Pesje near Velenje – 1993, Kamnica near Maribor)
He was conscripted into the army during the general mobilisation in March 1941. After the surrender of Yugoslavia, he returned home and soon started an organised resistance. He was a member of the Šaleška Partisan Group 1941, then of the Šaleška Company, the Štajerska Battalion and then of the first Pohorje Battalion, from where he was sent to do field political work as secretary of the Šaleško – Mislinj district shortly before its fall on 8 January 1943 at Osankarica.