Attack the enemy outpost!


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The Partisans attack first.

Join the Miloš Zidanšek’s 11th Strike Brigade in the attack on the enemy outpost in Dovže, southeast of Slovenj Gradec. 

May 28th 1944

The outpost was garrisoned by Austrian soldiers, mostly older people, and all of them surrendered at once. The building was set on fire and the prisoners were liberated. The Partisans confiscated 27 rifles, a machine gun and a lot of equipment. 

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Dr. Ivan Kopač – Pauček (1916, Novo mesto – 1988, Celje)
vir:Koroški pokrajinski muzej
Kozjak, the first of Pauček’s six partisan hospitals on western Pohorje
source:Koroški pokrajinski muzej
Learn more about Pauček’s partisan hospitals