Attack the town of Mežica!


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Attacking: Partisans.

Liberate the town of Mežica with the Koroški battalion.

Historical background:

April 3rd 1943 

The partisans set up ambushes around the town square and isolated the gendarmerie station. They interrupted a cinema show which turned into a popular celebration, and punished four local armed traitors. They also confiscated 30 rifles, ammunition and equipment from the gendarmerie warehouse. 

Doživi zgodovino – obišči nas!
Feel the history – visit us!

Partisan commander – Carinthian Slovene, national hero Franc Pasterk – Lenart
(1912, Lobnik nad Železno Kaplo – 1943, Mežica)
vir: Koroški pokrajinski muzej