Destinazione: ŠOŠTANJ

Attacco dei partigiani.
Attacca Šoštanj con il battaglione partigiano della Štajerska.
Contesto storico:
8. ottobre 1941
Venne minato il ponte a Paca, vennero tagliati i collegamenti telefonici, saccheggiato il magazzino di armi, incendiata la sega e i rifornimenti di legna, sequestrata la roba nei negozi del nemico e vennero puniti alcuni tra traditori e collaborazionisti dell’invasore.
Začuti zgodovino – obišči nas!
Feel the history – visit us!

(1920, Ravne pri Šoštanju – 1945, Gradec)
vir: Koroški pokrajinski muzej
Partizan Ivan Klančnik – Stojan
(1920, Ravne pri Šoštanju – 1945, Gradec)
Blacksmith’s assistant, employed in Žerjav, from where he joined the partisans, worked for the VOS in the Mežica Valley, and in this role was one of the first partisans sent to the Labot valley in February 1944. Wounded and captured after betrayed by a local man at Breznica near Prevalje in August 1944, he was taken to a hospital in Klagenfurt for treatment, then included in a group of 12 defendants in the last trial before the so-called Nazi “Volksgerichtshof” (People’s Court), presided over by the infamous Nazi judge Dr Ronald Freissler in Klagenfurt on 6 January 1945. Ten were sentenced to death, including Klančnik, who was hanged in Graz on 12 January.